2022 Unsolicited Press; Available from the publisher
The news in #TheNewCrusades is professed through protests, graffiti, broken mirrors, ambient radio, synchronized fires, and all-night newsfeeds--all of it projecting a cryptic and indefinable set of rules that churn about as permutations of some lost algorithm. These poems address a tamed violence held barely in check, examining masculinity and fatherhood and the undercurrents of suburban domesticity. In the end, they are a barrage of cries at breaking the boundary between you and I, questions rising into prayers that ask, are we closed or open systems? Can we really know each other at all?
2013 Kelsay Books; Available on Amazon
Reviewed in The Georgia Review by Judith Kitchen fall 2013
Reviewed in MOJO & By Lynn Dominia on her blog
In a distinctive voice that is at once both mythic, in a fable-telling kind of way, and realistic, in a no-punches-pulled kind of way, William Neumire’s new book, Estrus, charts our desire for connection and the forces that keep us from connecting. The person behind these poems is the “worst Buddhist” because he wants “something out of everything,” yet is living, like all of us, in a world of “Marxist disconnection,” in which, cut off from the rhythms of life, we live in “urges,” “amazed [only] by how little we know of ourselves.” These are poems of great yearning, which like “animals in estrus will run/for miles through traffic & snow & bullets” in order to “collapse with bloom” rather than be extinguished by soul-less work in “factories that do not close.” ~ Robert Cording